May 23th, 2023
Sinem Demirci, PhD
Postdoctoral Visiting Researcher/Lecturer - UCL
In this talk, I will be talking about
Let’s explore these thought-provoking questions related to the SDGs:
How effectively are the SDGs being implemented and monitored across global, national, and local levels?
How does representing the SDGs as isolated components or factors, rather than emphasizing their interconnectedness and holistic nature, impact our understanding and implementation of the SDGs framework?
In what ways can considering the interdependencies among the SDGs lead to more integrated and effective approaches in achieving sustainable development outcomes?
Global issues are required systems thinking approach to examine and overcome the reasons and the effects of them (Richmond, 1993).
Systems thinking skills have been attracting attention in science education, environmental education, and education for sustainable development.
Systems thinking is accepted as one of the key competencies in sustainability (Wiek et al., 2011).
Capra (2005) claimed that system thinking emphasize
Moreover, he noted that systems thinking is related to the relationships, connectedness, and the context.
In the context of ESD, Nolet (2009) identified systems thinking as a components of sustainability literacy.
Ben-Zvi Assaraf and Orion (2005) identified eight hierarchical characteristics for systems thinking as (p.523);
Systems thinking requires some skills such as
The question is
An early statement during 90s as “Clear systems thinking is one of the basic literacies of the modern world” (Mulgan, 1997, as cited in Reynolds, 2011, p.40).
Wood (2012) described systems literacy as “Systems literacy is an evolved form of interdisciplinary research practice and pedagogy that calls for intellectual competence (not necessarily command) in a variety of fields in order to better address specific, real-world environmental problems. In essence, systems literacy combines the study of social history and cultural discourses with a technical understanding of ecosystem processes.” (pp.4-5).
Henning and Chen (2012) critiqued that system thinking researchers is focusing on knowledge on the systems and argued that “The start of systems literacy is fact but knowing about systems requires more” (p.471).
Sweeney (2012) described systems literacy as ‘level of knowledge about complex interrelationship’ (p.4). In terms of characteristics of systems literacy, she outlined that systems literate individuals are able to see multiple causes in occurrence of an event as well as grasp the importance of sharing commons such as water, air, land.
Ison and Shelley (2016) claimed that systems literacy encompasses systems thinking and systemic sensibility could be the overarching term for these two. They also highlighted that cultivating systems literacy and systems thinking are not on educational agenda which might be a limitation to achieve systems-literate individuals.
Tuddenham (2017) developed his interpretation of “systems literacy” based on his previous works on ocean literacy and earth science literacy. He described the notion of systems literacy as fundamental to achieving sustainability in socioecological systems. He defined it as “…a coordinated ongoing action to create a greater awareness and understanding about ‘Systems’ in the world, society, science and art, schools and universities and engineering and beyond.” (Tuddenham, 2017, p.625)
In my dissertation, based on the conceptual research on systems literacy frameworks, systems literacy was redefined as following:
Let’s conclude this part of the lecture by discussing together.
How can the development of systems literacy skills contribute to the achievement of the SDGs?
Currently, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 Targets provide a framework for global action that requires the integration of knowledge, skills, and behaviors (UN, 2021).
International policy frameworks on SDGs (UNESCO, 2019) and systems scientists (e.g., Mobus and Kalton, 2015; Tuddenham, 2017) highlight the role of education as a prerequisite for building capacities to mitigate and adapt to challenges arising from global issues within local contexts.
Some education researchers criticize the school textbooks, which often depict disconnected concepts (Sharma and Buxton, 2015; Ghalichi et al., 2021), hindering the effective integration of systems-level perspectives.
Consequently, learners struggle to grasp the nature of real-life systems and their complex interactions with one another (Reid et al., 2021).
Last question:
Ben-Zvi-Assaraf, O., & Orion, N. (2010b). System Thinking Skills at the Elementary School Level. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(5), 540-563. doi:10.1002/tea.20351
Capra, F. (1996). The web of life: A new synthesis of mind and matter. HarperCollins.
Capra, F. (2005). Complexity and life. Theory, Culture & Society, 22(5), 33-44.
Dubberly H. (2015). A systems literacy manifesto. Proceedings of RSD3 2014 Symposium, Relating Systems Thinking and Design, October 2014.
Ghalichi, N., Schuchardt, A., & Roehrig, G. (2021). Systems Object Framework: a framework for describing students’ depiction of object organisation within systems. International Journal of Science Education, 43(10), 1618-1639.
Henning, B.P., & Chen, W. C. (2012). Systems thinking: Common ground or untapped territory? Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29(5), 470-483.
Ison, R., & Shelley, M. (2016). Governing in the Anthropocene: contributions from systems thinking in practice? Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(5), 589-594.
Karaarslan, G. (2016). Science teachers as ESD educators: an outdoor ESD model for developing systems thinking skills (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
McClaren, M. (1989). Environmental literacy. A critical element of a liberal education for the 21st century. Alces, 25, 168-171.
Mobus, G. E., & Kalton, M. C. (2015). Principles of systems science. New York: Springer.
Mun, K., Shin, N., Lee, H., Kim, S. W., Choi, K., Choi, S. Y., & Krajcik, J. S. (2015). Korean Secondary Students’ Perception of Scientific Literacy as Global Citizens: Using Global Scientific Literacy Questionnaire. International Journal of Science Education, 37(11), 1739-1766.
Nolet, V. (2009). Preparing sustainability-literate teachers. Teachers College Record, 111(2), 409-442.
Parkin, S., Johnson, A., Buckland, H., & White, E. (2004). Learning and skills for sustainable development: Developing a sustainability literate society. Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (HEPS), London.
Reid, A., Dillon, J., Ardoin, N., & Ferreira, J-A. (2021). Scientists’ warnings and the need to reimagine, recreate, and restore environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 27(6), 783-795.
Reynolds, M. (2011). Critical thinking and systems thinking: towards a critical literacy for systems thinking in practice. In: Horvath, Christopher P. and Forte, James M. eds. Critical Thinking. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 37–68.
Richmond, B. (1993). Systems thinking: critical thinking skills for the 1990s and beyond. System dynamics review, 9(2), 113-133.
Roth. C. E. (1984). Elements of a workable strategy for developing and maintaining nationwide environmental literacy. Nature Study ,37(3-4), 46-48.
Sharma, A., & Buxton, C. A. (2015). Human–Nature Relationships in School Science: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a Middle‐Grade Science Textbook. Science Education, 99(2), 260-281.
Sweeney, L. B. (2012). Learning to connect the dots: Developing children’s systems literacy. Solutions, 5(3), 55-62.
Tilbury, D. (1995). Environmental education for sustainability: Defining the new focus of environmental education in the 1990s. Environmental Education Research, 1(2), 195-212.
Tuddenham, P. (2017). Observations on Systems Literacy at the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS) 2016 Conference. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 34, 625-630. doi: 10.1002/sres.2491
United Nations (2021). The 17 Goals. Retrieved from
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development [UNECE] (2011). Learning for the future: competencies in education for sustainable development. ECE/CEP/ AC.13/2011/6
UNESCO (2019). Framework for the Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Beyond 2019. Retrieved from
Warren, A., Archambault, L., & Foley, R. W. (2014). Sustainability Education Framework for Teachers: Developing sustainability literacy through futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking. The Journal of Sustainability Education, 6.
Wiek, A., Withycombe, L., & Redman, C. L. (2011). Key competencies in sustainability: a reference framework for academic program development. Sustainability science, 6(2), 203-218.
WWF Scotland (2010). WWF Scotland Annual Review 2010: How we inspired change. Retrieved from